Visit Peebles - The Royal Burgh

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Get your business, club or organisation listed on this website for free ...

We want to keep this site as up to date as possible - and you can help us to do this by letting us know about any new entries we should create e.g. for a new business etc.

You can also help by letting us know about any listings which are no longer valid or if you find any broken links anywhere on the website.

There are many links between pages on this website and also some link to external sites eg the Scottish outdoor access code or to bus timetables etc

It's not always possible to make sure that they are all up to date and it's quite possible that the target pages on those other sites may change from time to time so ...

If you find a broken link on our site (eg you click a link and it takes you to a page you didn't expect or to an error page) it could be that we need to review that link and we'd like to know about it.

Please tell us -  click the 'contact us' link at the bottom of the page and let us know.

Many thanks.