Visit Peebles - The Royal Burgh

The Cuddy ( the Eddleston Water )

Running East to West through the town, joining the Tweed just behind the swimming pool.

Running down the valley from the North, passing through Eddleston then Peebles, the Cuddy joins the Tweed just behind Peebles swimming pool.

The river offers several pleasant riverside walks with many wildlife spotting opportunities.

If you walk down the Bridgegate (leading from the Northgate to the Cuddy), You will come to the river - this point was originally the main access to the town from the West where there were two medieval church settlements.

This was also one of the river crossings on the main drove road for cattle sold at Falkirk and driven south over the Southern Uplands.

In those times, below the narrow wooden, or trie, bridge accross the river was Cuddy Pool where those accused of witchcraft and other malpractices were ducked.


Historical content : taken from the Town Walk
